Friday 19 August 2016

Angry residents took to the streets of Westbury once again to express their anger towards drug and gang related shootings which has been ravishing our streets for weeks on end. Everyday gunfire rings out and our fellow brothers pay with their lives and the community has had enough. The purpose for this march was to make the drug and crime lords aware that they are being watched but also that the local Sophiatown police force and the CPF are not doing enough to make sure that residents of the Westbury and Newclare Communities are safe. Roughly 3 months ago a march was organized against drug distribution and abuse in the area and a memorandum of understanding (MOU) was handed over to the authorities stating what the community expected from our police force but since then it has come to light that many officers at the local sophiatown precinct are corrupt and accept bribes from perpetrators to turn a blind eye. At yesterdays march the angry crowd were chanting all sorts of songs to ridicule and make known their feelings towards corrupt police and ultimately the whole sophiatown police force.
When the march reached the police station residents were greeted by the sight of special forces waiting at the gate of the sophiatown police station accompanied by general Rajin. After a meeting held with the General where the media was not allowed the MOU was handed over and the general promised that all sophiatown officers would be taken to task and investigations would be started to look into corruption and that outside units would patrol the problem areas to stop the violent shootings.


                                              Special Forces waiting for protesting residents

                                        Shaheem addressing the crowd with the MOU in hand


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